Turkey, Spinach and Quinoa Casserole | Boston Chic Party

Boston Chic Party

a boston based lifestyle blog


Turkey, Spinach and Quinoa Casserole

Turkey Spinach Quinoa Casserole -Boston Chic Party

Okay, let me just tell you- this recipe may seem pretty basic, but it is oh so delicious! You have to make it right this second… alright, maybe not this second, but the next time you are looking for a dinner recipe 😉 The flavors mixed together so well and the red pepper gives just the right amount of spice. This recipe makes about six, 1-cup servings- and if you have leftovers, it’s even better the next day as lunch, trust me! Here’s the recipe for my Turkey, Spinach and Quinoa Casserole. I hope you love it as much as I do!

xoxo, Jenna

Turkey Spinach Quinoa Casserole- Boston Chic Party

You’ll need:

Turkey Spinach Quinoa Casserole- Boston Chic Party

To make:

Preheat your oven to 375 Degrees. Prepare your casserole dish/baking dish by spraying with cooking spray.

Cook your quinoa using the ratio of 1 cup quinoa to 1.5 cups water. Undercook the quinoa by 3 minutes from time mentioned on package- don’t worry it will cook up more in the oven! Once done, move quinoa to a large mixing bowl

Heat a large skillet on medium-high. Break your turkey into pieces and brown in skillet. Brown for about 4-6 minutes depending on your heat. Drain meat, remove from skillet and add to bowl with quinoa.

Using the same skillet, spray with cooking spray and re-heat. Add garlic and onions and saute until fragrant, being careful not to burn (this will be quick!). Next add baby spinach and saute until wilted. Remove from heat and add garlic, onions and baby spinach to mixing bowl.

Add the tomato sauce, breadcrumbs, 1 cup of cheese, italian seasoning and red pepper flakes. Stir all the ingredients together until well combined.

Move the mixture to your baking dish and cook uncovered for 18 minutes.

After 18 minutes, remove from oven and cover with remaining half cup of cheese. Return to oven to cook for final 5-7 minutes (or until cheese is melted).

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Turkey Spinach Quinoa Casserole- Boston Chic Party

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