Boston Buzz: Summer Search Boston Young Leadership Committee 2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail Recap | Boston Chic Party

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Boston Buzz: Summer Search Boston Young Leadership Committee 2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail Recap

2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party

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2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party 2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party

2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party

2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party

2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail-Boston Chic Party

After telling you all about this year’s Kentucky Derby Cocktail, I couldn’t resist doing a full recap of the event! If you weren’t able to attend this year, I know this post will give you some serious FOMO and inspire you to attend next year. It’s an amazing party and all to benefit a great cause!

Summer Search works with high school students in seven cities across the U.S. (one of them being Boston) to give the students access to tap into their inner potential through mentoring and summer immersion trips. The organization was founded by Linda Mornell who believed every child should have a chance to realize their potential and experience life-changing opportunities, such as an immersion trip or service trip, regardless of their family circumstances. 99% of students involved in Summer Search graduate from high school- a drastic increase from the 50% of their other low-income peers who graduate. 72% of Summer Searchers earn an undergraduate degree, a stark contrast from the 10% of their peers in low-income families that will go on to earn their degree. Many of the students are first generation college graduates and are so excited about the opportunity. Over the past few years, I’ve had the chance to meet several Summer Search students and alumni at different events and all have shown me just how powerful Summer Search really is!

The Kentucky Derby Cocktail is the annual fundraising event for Summer Search Boston’s Young Leadership Committee. The Young Leadership Committee raises awareness about Summer Search, as well as promotes fundraising efforts for the organization through the many young professionals in Boston. This year’s event took place at 9 One Federal Street (9OFS). The location was amazing! With both indoor and outdoor space, it was the perfect spot for a spring party. Located on the 9th floor of One Federal Street, you are nestled in between many beautiful downtown Boston buildings. The outdoor terrace boasts a large grass area which was ideal for lawn games like croquet and cornhole. Indoors left plenty of room for watching the race, the silent auction and mingling.

Of course having some delicious drinks at the event doesn’t hurt! Lots of wine, beer from Sam Adams, cider from Downeast Cider (a personal favorite) and bourbon cocktails, like mint juleps from Whistlepig, made for a fun event.

No Kentucky Derby party is complete without fantastic fashion! Everyone dons their spring time best, whether it’s some seersucker pants for the guys or a floral dress for the girls. And obviously we can’t forget the hats! Seeing all the different hats and fascinators is one of my favorite parts of the entire day! Each year the committee chooses one guy and one girl as “Best Dressed”. This year, the lucky couple won a new outfit of their choice from Vineyard Vines- talk about a perfect prize! If that doesn’t give you motivation to show up next year in your best look, I don’t know what will 🙂

Besides being a highly anticipated spring party, the event is a very successful fundraiser for Summer Search, raising just under $60,000 this year alone! I wanted to take a minute to recognize my hubby, MJD, who chairs the committee, and the entire Boston Young Leadership Committee on a super fun and very successful event! I know how much work the event is from seeing MJD go through the planning all year- congratulations to the YLC on an amazing day! #proudwife 🙂

Hope to see you at next year’s event!

xoxo, Jenna

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3 thoughts on “Boston Buzz: Summer Search Boston Young Leadership Committee 2015 Kentucky Derby Cocktail Recap

Sounds like a great cause and everyone looks great! I would love to participate next year!


so much fun!! it keeps getting better and better every year 🙂


That it does Jessi! I loved your dress- so pretty! 🙂


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Thanks for joining the party at Boston Chic Party! I’m a baker with a serious sweet tooth, a wannabe chef, a Boston lover, occasional DIY-er and a compulsive online shopper. Let’s get this party started!

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