Spring Bomber Jacket | Boston Chic Party

Boston Chic Party

a boston based lifestyle blog


Spring Bomber Jacket

Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-1Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-4Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-3Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-5Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-7Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-9Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-10Spring Bomber Jacket in NYC- The High Line New York City- Quilted Bomber Jacket- Spring Fashion- Boston Chic Party-2

Jacket: Saturday/Sunday via Anthropologie (on sale!) Tank: Theory  Jeans: Topshop Petites (available in regular length here) Shoes: BP via Nordstrom Purse: Tory Burch Sunglasses: Ray-Ban Earrings: Kate Spade Necklace: Loren Hope via Rocksbox (use code bostonchicpartyxoxo for your first month free!) Lips: Bite in Quince

A few weeks ago we headed down to NYC for a quick twenty four hour trip to surprise my sister for her birthday. The whole weekend (er, day…) was so much fun with a delish family dinner, a (very) late night out in the West Village, followed by  Sunday brunch and strolling. I love The High Line so was glad when my sister and mom wanted to take a post-brunch walk there. It was super cool to see it in a different season than my last visit and also to get a glimpse of spring starting to bloom too!

Ironically, it was warmer that weekend in mid-March than it is now in April and I could get away with wearing light layers, like this bomber jacket as we walked around. Glitter Guide named the bomber jacket to their list of Spring 2016 trends and I couldn’t agree more. The weight of a bomber jacket is perfect for spring, unless of course this is a Boston spring where you are getting snow on April 4th😉.

I don’t know what it is about visiting New York, but whenever I’m there I feel like I bring all the black in my wardrobe- kind of like bringing all stripes to visit Paris. The city chic look of #allblackeverything is the epitome of stereotypical New York fashion, but one that goes perfectly with the city’s attitude. I of course had to add a pop of pink (on the lips) for a hint of color.

Your turn… do you dress like the city you are visiting when travelling?

xoxo, Jenna

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4 thoughts on “Spring Bomber Jacket

Such a cute jacket! I’m heading to NYC this weekend and will most likely be wearing black to as well! #RIPspring

Xox! Tess


Looking very chic here! Love the color in this bomber, it refreshing it in something other than army green…though I love that one too. Great post!


This jacket and the shoes are both perfection!


You had me at bomber jacket! LOL. I love how you are rocking this one and OMG I can’t believe you guys are getting such cold weather these days! But you obviously aren’t having any trouble with your outfit of the days! Xo, Roselyn


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